Before Your Appointment

For best results, please be sure to follow the below directions in preparation for your upcoming Eyebrow Tattoo treatments:

If possible, consider avoid booking an appointment during your menstrual cycle. Eyebrow tattooing can be more painful during your menstrual cycle. The brows must be free of all irritations including eczema, pimples, bruises, open wound, psoriasis, etc. Please reschedule if you are sick or have a viral/bacterial infection.

1 Month Prior

  • DO NOT have cosmetic injections on the forehead for at least 1 month prior to your appointment.

  • DO NOT schedule any facials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, peels or laser treatments for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

1-2 Weeks Prior

  • DO NOT thread, wax, tint, or perform electrolysis 1 week prior to the procedure (I will shave excess hair)

  • DO NOT go tanning in either the sun or in tanning beds

  • DO NOT use any skincare products containing retinal, AHA, vitamins A, C and E agents for 1 week before your appointment.

  • DO exfoliate your brow area a week prior to the appointment for the skin to take in the pigments easily during the procedure which will help retention.

  • DO apply lotion to your brow area to keep the skin moisturize a week prior to the appointment to help reduce burning and irritation afterward.

The Day Prior (24-48 Hours Prior)

  • DO NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and Ibuprofen 48 HOURS prior to your appointment. Tylenol is fine.

  • DO NOT consume any ALCOHOL or CAFFEIN 24 HOURS before the scheduled appointment. This will prevent any excess bleeding, oozing, and minimizes swelling during the procedure.

The Day of Your Appointment (Yay!)

  • DO NOT consume any caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea on the day of your appointment

  • DO NOT work out on the day of the procedure.

  • DO feel free wear your makeup if you choose to provide an idea of your desired color and shape. We provide thorough mapping and measurements to create the perfect brow shape for your face.

After Your Appointment

Please be aware that the color of your brows will be noticeably darker than expected, but there is no cause for concern as this is a typical occurrence. Your brows’ appearance will soften by 30-40%, and over the next ten days, will start to fade. It may take anywhere from 4-8 weeks for the true color to appear, so don’t worry if you notice the color seeming to vanish during the healing process. This is only temporary, and it happens because the layers of skin are regenerating.

The First Week Following Your Appointment

  • DO NOT apply makeup or skincare product directly on or around your eyebrow areas

  • DO NOT workout or engage in activities that cause excessive sweating

  • DO NOT take overly warm shows as this would open the pores and drain your pigments

  • DO NOT pick, pull, or scratch your eyebrows. Allow the scabs to form and fall off naturally

  • DO NOT apply skincare products containing retinol, AHA, Vitamins A, C and E agents

  • DO NOT touch the eyebrow tattoo. If necessary to touch, use clean hands only

  • If your brows get too dry, stretched, or itchy, blot them dry and apply a rice grain size of the provided ointment (Day 2 onwards)

  • You will go through three healing phases: 1-heal, 2-peel, and 3-fade

Day 1 (Day of Appointment)

  • During the day of the treatment, it’s important to pat the brow area gently with dry paper tower every half hour or as needed to absorb any excess lymph fluid. By doing this you are reducing the chances of your brows scabbing which hinders the healing process and ink retention.

  • Before bed time, clean your eyebrows with gentle face cleanser. Then pat dry the brow area with dry paper tower.

  • DO NOT apply ointment until the next day, to allow the skin to breathe and heal naturally.

Note: Removing this excess fluid will help prevent it from hardening and forming crusts that can block the skin’s breathing. Keep patting as needed throughout the day until the oozing stops. Note that some oozing or fluid secretion is normal during the skin’s healing process, but it should be cleaned off to avoid crust formation.

Day 2 (The next day of your procedure)

  • Starting the next morning (morning after the day of the procedure) Clean the brow area with gentle face cleanser. Then pat dry the brow area with dry paper tower and apply a very thin layer ointment (think of the size of a grain of rice). See notes on this below.

    Note: If you apply ointment on damp skin, you could risk causing an infection. The ointment minimizes scabbing and protects the area from outside contamination by forming a protective film. Apply a very thin layer – the area needs to breathe and you don’t want to clog the pores

  • Before bed time, clean the brow are with gentle face cleanser then pat dry the brow with dry paper tower. Apply a very thin layer of ointment.

To keep your eyebrows looking their best, it’s important to keep them clean and dry.

Washing Your Brows: Washing is essential to remove bacteria, buildup of product, oils, and dead skin. (Don’t worry, this does not remove the pigment but you must be gentle) No scrubbing! No rubbing! No wiping! No scratching! Use patting motions only!

After washing, you must use dry paper tower to pad your eyebrows dry, make sure the brow area is completely dry before applying any ointment.

Days 3-5 (Wash and Moisturize Your Brows Regularly)

  • Continue cleaning the brow area and applying ointment 2-3 times daily until all scabs have fully fallen off naturally.

Days 5 -7 (Keep Up the Aftercare Routine)

  • Your brows are flaking and peeling. They’re probably itchy. Be super careful not to touch the scabs and let the area peel off on its own.

  • Keep applying the aftercare ointment and washing your brows as instructed.

Days 7 - 10 (Once the Peeling Stops, You Can Relax)

  • Once all the peeling stops, you can stop following the after care instructions. You can go back to your usual routine, but it’s advisable to adjust it a bit. Ingredients like retinol and acids speed up the fading of pigments, so you shouldn’t get them on your brows. Remember to moisturize your eyebrows daily to keep them at best with gently lotion such as Aquaphor or Cetapil or Vaseline

Additional Notes

  • Appearance While Healing and Follow-Up Session: After the healing process, brows will appear lighter in color due to natural skin regeneration, and some areas may look uneven or patchy even with proper care. This is normal as the artist cannot control the natural skin regeneration process. To ensure that brows are perfectly even and the desired effect is achieved, a complimentary enhancement session is included 4-6 weeks after the initial session

  • Taking Showers: Yes you can take showers! However, during the first week after getting eyebrow tattoos, it is important to be careful when taking showers. Avoid using hot water as this can open up pores and cause pigments to drain, which can effect the healing process. Instead, make sure the water is lukewarm and avoid staying in the shower for too long. It’s also important to avoid getting soap or shampoo on the treated area as this can irritate the skin and slow down the healing process. Be gentle when washing the area around the eyebrows and use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser if necessary.

Following proper post-care guidelines is necessary to achieve the best results, and it is important to consider the healing time of the procedure, which depends on factors such as body regeneration, age, immune system, and lifestyle when scheduling an appointment for a cosmetic tattoo.

Long Term Care

Your cosmetic tattoo will last between 1-3 years after the complimentary touch up session.

  • Future touch-up appointments are necessary to maintain the shape and color depth. For optimal results, scheduling a touch-up once a year is recommended

  • Use a good sunscreen on the brows if you plan to be in the sun for a prolonged period of time. Sun exposure will fade your cosmetic tattoo overtime

  • If you are planning a chemical peel, laser procedure or MRI scan, inform the technician of your cosmetic tattoo

  • The use of Retin-A/Tretinoin, hydroquinone, chemical peels, acid peels, lightening or brightening products, or any other rapid skin exfoliation used regularly on any area surrounding the brow area will cause your cosmetic tattoo to fade prematurely

  • The use of exfoliating cleansers, scrubs, cleansers with acne fighting ingredients or “acid” in the name will cause rapid exfoliation of the skin containing the pigment and will increase odds of premature fading

  • Remember apply your face cream over your brow area

If during the healing process you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email us at or text us at 847-220-3666